Equity - autonomy - solidarity - social inclusion
Collective Kitchen
What is a collective kitchen?
The collective kitchen is a small group of people who pool their time, money and skills to cook economical, healthy and appetizing meals that they take home.
« It is aimed at all people who care a healthy diet and a better quality of life for them and their families, everything with the possibility of getting involved individually and collectively in their community. » [1]

[1] Group of collectives kitchens of Québec, online:

Who are we?

Our collective kitchen workshops and community activities make possible to :
- Break social isolation;
- Meet people and build friendships;
- Improving self-confidence and culinary skills;
- Valuing a person’s autonomy;
- Sharing knowledge;
- Build a mutual aid network;
- Getting involved in collective projects.
Become a member
If you would like to participate in our activities, come and see the admission criteria.